Immunization Protocols

Big box retailers and large chain pharmacies have already caught onto this trend, but many independent pharmacies continue to lag behind. According to the NCPA, just 61% of the community pharmacies offer immunizations. This number can include any range of vaccines, from a single flu shot to a full disease state management program.
Experts recommend that independent pharmacies just beginning to offer immunizations should start with influenza and pneumococcal vaccines. Once you’ve established a consistent program and have begun to generate business, you can consider expanding their offerings to include vaccines recommended by the CDC’s Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.
Benefits to the Pharmacy
Increase revenue by expanding your clinical services
Position your pharmacy as a local resource for healthcare services
Attract new patients to your pharmacy and grow your business
Strengthen prescriber relationships in your community
Our Service
The Vaccine Program is designed to allow any independent pharmacy to administer vaccines at their licensed establishment any time under our Medical Director. The cost is $495 for 12 months.
Protocols included:
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis B
HPV (adults and children)
Influenza (adults and children)
Influenza Type B
COVID (Moderna, Pfizer, Janssen, Novovax) (pediatric included for Pfizer and Moderna)
Emergency reaction
Other Materials Included:
All VISs
Prescription template
Which Vaccines Do I Need handout
Using Standing Orders handout
Screening checklist
30 Steps to Implementing handout
Vaccine information statement (general)
Vaccine information table