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Compliance Tracking

If you’re anything like us, you have licenses you have to renew, along with myriad of other certifications, registrations, insurance policies, leases, PBM Credentialing and so on. It can be difficult to keep track of all these things and also costly to reinstate if something were to lapse.
HVRS Solutions has proprietary systems to manage all the intricacies of pharmacy licensing and we can take this off of your plate so that you can focus on what you do best: patient care.
Sign up with our ComplianceAMS (Compliance Account Management Solution) today and never miss another renewal again.
You’ll receive your own dedicated Account Manager where HVRS can either completely take care of your renewals for you or simply remind you when something is due. This program is available for accreditations too where sometimes accreditation standards can be complicated, complex and time-consuming.
Services Provided:
Pharmacy permit (home state + any nonresidents)
State controlled permit (if applicable)
DEA registration
CLIA waiver (if applicable)
Resale certificate (if applicable)
Monthly OIG checks
DSCSA Compliance*
*DSCSA is being enforced at the pharmacy level by November 2023. State inspectors are already beginning to incorporate DSCSA compliance in their routine inspections.
Remind/Assist with:
Fraud, Waste and Abuse annual training
Annual HIPAA certification
Quarterly CQI meetings
General/professional liability insurance renewals
SOPs requested from entities/audits
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